Sino-EU PerMed

Fostering the cooperation between Europe and China in Personalised Medicine

The Sino-EU PerMed project, funded by Horizon 2020, the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, was launched in January 2020 and concluded in June 2024. A unique bi-regional consortium of 6 partners from governmental, funding and research organisations supported by leading stakeholders as associated partners promoted Personalised Medicine cooperation between Europe and China.

The aim of Personalised Medicine is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and strengthen prevention strategies by taking into account the patient's geno- and phenotypes as well as biomedical, lifestyle and environmental factors. Sino-EU PerMed integrated China into the International Consortium on Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) to advance the implementation of the Action Plan of ICPerMed.

Sino-EU PerMed was built on 4 pillars:

  1. The project's backbone: Coordination and Management
  2. The project's senses: Mapping of landscape and stakeholders
  3. The project's heart: Science & Policy Dialogue between Europe and China / ICPerMed: establish a common understanding and work on common activities and goals
  4. The project's brain: Paving the Science &Technology (S&T) way to Europe – China collaboration in PerMed: drafting concepts of the future